Domain Expiring

It was about a year ago that I quit updating this blog. I figured I would leave the content up as long as it was current. The domain name will be expiring shortly, so if you are using the site as a reference, you’ll use instead of

That is all.

It’s The End of this Blog (as weknow it)

In April of 2009 I had a few ideas I wanted to share with the teachers I supported.  I was learning about some great educational sites and wanted to pass along some links I came across.  At about the same time one of my schools asked me to give a talk about free places for teachers to build webpages. I did a little research and found a a couple of services I liked. The next thing I knew, I was blogging on a regular basis.

In August of the same year I moved from Weebly to WordPress and bought a domain. I eventually connected to facebook and twitter and added pages and tagged my entries. My goal was always the same: helping teachers in the TIP project to find great resources on the web to use in the classroom.

Three years and 333 posts later, I am a few days away from starting a new position. I am going to be the Assistant Principal at Goldsmith Elementary School. Needless to say, maintaining Tablet Talk will not fit in to my daily routine in my new job.

I won’t be taking the site off-line, so feel free to use the content that is up here as long as it is current. But this is pretty much it for me. I have to say that I have enjoyed the interactions and the feedback from you guys, and I hope that you have found the posts to be helpful.

Thanks for reading, and see you folks around!


Tablet Talk Available as a Podcast

Would you prefer to receive Tablet Talk as an audio podcast? If so, here is the feed. Hope you find it beneficial. Happy Summer!

Happy Last Day!

Here is to wishing all you JCPS folks a happy last student day. Some thoughts about the upcoming summer:

Having trouble with your Tablet? Consider re-imaging it.  A blurb on the Image Depot:

Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) employees with district-issued computers that operate slowly or with difficulty may find relief in a reimage at the VanHoose Image Depot. The summer months are a great opportunity to solve issues that may have plagued your machine throughout the year. Employees should bring computers to Room 113 at VanHoose between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The imaging process erases everything on the hard drive. Before leaving their computer, employees are responsible for backing up any important data. Management Information Services (MIS) personnel are not responsible for lost data. If a reimage does not fix the problem, MIS will assign the ticket to the appropriate department. For more information, call 485-3552.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for Technoversity.  Many sessions are filling up. A blurb about Technoversity:

JCPS employees can improve their technological knowledge with Technoversity, Computer Education Support’s three-week institute of technology workshops. The workshops will be held Monday through Thursday from Mon., July 9, through Thurs., July 26. Technoversity helps teachers integrate technology into the curriculum and assists employees in building their technology skills. More than 100 sessions are offered, including Creating Literacy In Computer Knowledge (CLICK!) sessions, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, EncycloMedia, PowerPoint, AB Tutor, Blogging, Comic Life, eChalk, Infinite Campus Gradebook, iSafe, Movie Maker, Photo Story, Pixlr, Podcasting, PREZI, SkyDrive, SMART Notebook, Thinkfinity, Twitter, VoiceThread, Voki, Web Page Design, and Wikis. For more information or a weekly schedule, visit Technoversity. To register for classes, visit pdCentral.

My sessions are:

12-1342849 Web Publishing B: Twitter, Podcasting, and Classroom Web Pages (7/24)

12-1342905 Web Publishing B: Twitter, Podcasting, and Classroom Web Pages (7/24)

12-1342837 Using Technology to Build a Classroom Community (7/25)

12-1342850 Web Publishing C: WordPress Classroom Web Page (7/25)

12-1342704 Online Instructional Resources B: Ten Cool Sites and All Things Google (7/26)

12-1342706 Online Instructional Resources B: Ten Cool Sites and All Things Google (7/26)

Here is wishing you each a wonderful and relaxing summer!



I just looked at PC Central and all my sessions are full. Please feel free to waitlist and walk in on the Classroom Community and Top Ten/All Things Google Sessions. If there is room for you, I’ll accommodate you. The class web page sessions are more  limited, as we are a little more hands-on.  Please waitlist though, because people cancel all the time once vacation and other summer plans become more concrete and you might be able to get in.

Happy 7th Birthday, YouTube!

YouTube celebrates as it turns 7 today. It is hard to believe that the popular video-sharing site is not older. Do you find YouTube helpful in your teaching and learning? Have you seen these helpful tips about making YouTube less cluttered on the screen? Have you seen these great YouTube channels? Either way, take a moment and enjoy the above video and enjoy some of the great moments YouTube has brought us!


Win A SMART Table

Contest Link

SMART is giving away a SMART  Table interactive learning center. I just filled out the form and it took 45 seconds. Good luck!

Free Yogurt For Teachers

The Orange  Leaf in Clarksville will be offering free yogurt for teachers today through Thursday for Teacher Appreciation. Bring your ID.

Rhyme n Learn

How about 25 “squeaky clean” math and science videos? Use the catchy and current tunes and illustrated movies to teach, reteach, or introduce challenging content in math and science. Enjoy.

Use SendHub To Update Parents

Would you like to send text messages to groups of parents, students, or teammates? SendHub looks like another interesting option for doing just that. According to the site, you can  create a new number and a “Key Phrase.” Your audience will “opt-in” to the contact list and receive a group text message from you when you send it. It looks like the free version of the service gives you 1,000 messages per month and allows you to have up to 3 groups of 50 contacts. Find out more at SendHub.

Use Kickboard To Track Behavior

At Kickboard you have the ability to set up a class to track grades, behavior, and more. The site is free for individual teachers, so give it a try. You can personalize how you keep track of items (conduct points, clas cash, etc) and the site will give you an easy to use interface for rewarding and tracking behavior grades. There are progress reports available which can be personalized with the school logo. If you are looking for a new way to track grades or behavior, consider Kickboard.